Student Fundraising

Students from Lewisham College
Are you an ESOL teacher?
‘Doing a fundraising sale is an amazing experience because you can share your time with friends or other people to collaborate for a good cause.'
'I learnt to communicate with people and I had a wonderful experience'
(ESOL student fundraisers from Lewisham College)
Teachers have found that organising a fundraising event for the Trust is a great opportunity for students to develop a range of language skills and an increase in confidence while participating in a real-life task.
If you would like to organise an event:
Please let us know at so we can provide support if needed. You can also find below some materials which have been developed by the Trust.
When booking a venue for the event (college or other venue) make sure you get authorisation to run the event before any detailed planning takes place.
Check the risk assessment required by the event/activity.
​Raffles an Tombolas are a great way to raise funds at your event but check any legal requirements regarding raffles and tombolas. You can find out more here
For example: students could run a food sale and have a raffle at the same time.
Follow these links for teaching materials prepared by the Trust that might be helpful for your project.
Entry Level Worksheet: Worksheet 1
Entry Level Worksheet: Worksheet 2
Level 1: Worksheet 1 - Vocabulary
Level 1: Worksheet 2 - Reading
​​After the event….
The teacher should collect the money and send to the Trust, either to:!/DonationDetails, or by bank transfer (contact the Trust for details) or by cheque made payable to Ruth Hayman Trust and sent to The Ruth Hayman Trust, P O Box 17685, London N6 6WD.
If you are holding an event in the week of The Big Give Christmas Challenge when donations are doubled, please make sure you let us know so we can tell you how to pay in the money, which is different from the above.
If you would like us to prepare certificates for the participating students we will need the following by email:
Full name of college or institution
Exact amount of money raised
Exact name/s of course/s followed by students’ names. Please check spelling carefully.
Name and address of person to whom we should send the certificates
We would love to hear about your event and to receive any photos. To use photos in our publicity, we would need the assurance that we have the permission of the participants. Please send written confirmation of their permission to

With many thanks for the difference you and your students have made to the lives of our beneficiaries.​
Organising a fundraising event for the Trust is a brilliant opportunity for students to develop a range of language skills while linking with the curriculum for ESOL, citizenship and various linked skills, and gaining a certificate from the Trust as well.​
Successful ESOL fundraising events have already been held across the UK and students have responded enthusiastically, using language in a real situation.​​
Getting started is always the hardest part but if your students are planning to raise funds for us we are here to help you. Just get in touch by emailing:​​