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The closing dates for applications and references are 18 March and 17 June 2025

Your application 

First please check you have read carefully the section on Information on Grants and that you are eligible to apply.  Now chose whether you will apply online or by Post and click the appropriate box below.

The Application Form

Please click the box above to download the application form


The tips below are there to help you complete your application and following them will increase your chances of getting a grant.

Answer all sections of the form carefully. We do not give awards where the form is incomplete. Make sure you include:


What exactly you need, and what for (exam fees, course fees, registration fees). If you are asking for help to buy equipment, what equipment? What does it cost? Is it necessary for you to participate on the course? Which books do you need (title, publisher)? How much do they cost?


Provide as much detail as you can in the section 'Why you need help'.  We suggest between 50 and 200 words. Tell us about your financial status and personal situation, eg children and other dependents, any health issues. It is not enough to say ‘I don’t work’ or ‘I don’t earn enough’.  We also need to know why you want to study a particular course or take an exam. If you are completing a paper application form write on a separate sheet. The online form expands so you can write as much as you need to.

Don't forget to send a reference

A reference is a letter or email from a teacher/tutor or other professional. It needs to assure us that the course is appropriate for you.  It will usually come from a teacher or tutor from a previous or current course. We expect it to say you are a good student, attend class regularly, are up to date with your work, and are likely to succeed on the course you are applying for.


If you have not studied in the UK before, your reference can be from another professional who knows you, such as an advice worker or employer.  It is not acceptable to just send a confirmation of enrolment, or a letter from a friend.


If you are applying online, just give the name, email address and contact number of the person who is giving you a reference. We will contact your referee to ask them for a reference. For Data Protection and Privacy, please ensure that you get permission from your referee to provide us their contact details before you submit your application.  If they agree, please inform them that we will be contacting them to ask for a reference.


If you are applying by post send your reference to PO Box 17685, London N6 6WD or

Please note: We cannot grant awards to applications without a good reference. Without a reference your application will be rejected.

Checking your application - very important

​Please check all sections of the form have been completed accurately? We cannot accept incomplete forms.


Make sure there is a reference (postal applications) or that you have included your referee’s name, email address and phone number on your application form (online applications)​


If you are applying for travel have you included a doctor’s letter?

There is no need to send certificates, bank details or enrolment / attendance forms.

How to submit your printed application 

Printed applications and references should be posted to:

The Honorary Secretary, The Ruth Hayman Trust, PO Box 17685, London N6 6WD

Please make sure you put the correct postage on the envelope or sadly it will not be delivered. Fold your application so it can fit in a smaller envelope - this will save you money. 

Please do not send your application by recorded delivery as this causes delay and costs more.  First Class is fine.

Other sources of funding 

For courses with fees higher than the maximum grant of £1,500, we ask applicants to show how they will pay the rest of the fees. You should also look for other sources of funding especially if you have  large fees to pay. It will help your application if we know that our small grant might be added to awards from other organisations.


The government website  provides information on the following which you might find helpful.



Turn2us provides help on benefits as well as on finding grants.


The Helena Kennedy Foundation provides grants to disadvantaged adults to study in higher education.




Just a reminder - the next closing dates for applications and references are 18 March and 17 June 2025 

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