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Guidelines for Referees

Students applying for a Ruth Hayman Trust grant are asked to provide a reference. The reference should usually come from a course tutor from a previous or current course. If the applicant has not studied before in the UK, we will accept a reference from another professional, such as an advice worker or employer.


If you have been asked to write a reference for an applicant please give:

Your full name,

Your position

Your work email

A contact number


Please say in what capacity you have known the applicant and for how long.


We need to know that the applicant is applying for a suitable course and is likely to succeed on that course.  


Please can you also comment as far as possible on:


Attitude to learning
Standard of coursework
Any other examples of the applicants’s academic abilities and whether the student has, to your knowledge, applied to other organisations such as the College/University Hardship or Welfare Fund.


Where the applicant has applied online, the referee will receive an email request for a reference.

Please send your reference in reply to this email. Your reference will be automatically linked to the applicant’s form.


Where the applicant has applied by post, the reference should be sent on headed paper to Ruth Hayman Trust, PO BOX 17685, London N6 6WD or emailed to


Please ensure the reference is dated and signed.

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