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The Ruth Hayman Trust was set up in 1983 by the National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages (NATECLA) in memory of its first secretary, Ruth Hayman. 
Ruth was a courageous South African lawyer banned for her opposition to apartheid. She came to the UK and turned her talents and boundless energy to establishing ESOL classes in north London and campaigning to improve provision nationally.


You can find out more about Ruth in a documentary made about her life - Remembering Ruth. You can watch it here:



The Ruth Hayman Trust is dedicated to improving access to education and training for everyone, predominantly refugees and asylum seekers who speak English as a second language.  We believe that education is the key to creating a fairer society. 


Rose Grant was the first Chair of the Ruth Hayman Trust, and worked closely with Ruth both in establishing English classes and campaigning nationally


Sheila Rosenberg OBE, Trust President and former Chair, has worked tirelessly for the Trust since 1983.  


The Trust is run entirely on the work of volunteer trustees and supporters.  Many of our trustees have a background in teaching and managing ESOL, advising refugees and asylum seekers as well as beneficiaries of the awards we grant.



In our financial year ending

31 March 2024

we awarded

183 grants

totalling £104,000



If you would like to find out more about our charity, click here to read our Annual Report(s).





Ruth Hayman

Sheila Rosenberg.jpg

Sheila Rosenberg OBE, President

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